Tag / Tips
Tip #5 to galvanize climate action: rest is essential to climate action
At the start of a new year, it’s tempting to dream big, create ambitious goals, and jump straight into action. And if you have the energy and motivation for this, fantastic! But for those who haven’t hit the pause button recently and have been pushing on through, something else might be needed first. Climate work,…
Tip #4 to galvanize climate action: climate grief is a door to love
Keeping climate grief at arm’s length may be one of the biggest barriers to climate action we know. Many sense, even if only subconsciously, that to fully engage emotionally in the climate crisis, would mean to open our hearts to deep pain, hopelessness, and grief for what we have lost, are losing and may lose…
Tip #3 to galvanize climate action: resistance is code for what we care about
More often than not, when we come across someone who dismisses our ideas out of hand, we judge them for being obtuse and begin to see them as problematic and a roadblock. In the context of climate change, our response can be even stronger, when we feel the heavy breath of urgency on our necks. …
Tip #2 to galvanize climate action: neutralizing scarcity is a superpower
How many times have you felt frustrated by the lack of political will to curb greenhouse gas emissions, or experienced the fierce grip of panic when thinking that we have just a few years left to limit global warming to 1.5°C? We’re sure that just like us, you’re familiar with that voice of scarcity that…
Tip #1 to galvanize climate action: belief is the secret sauce of change
To celebrate the launch of our book Climate Change Coaching: the power of connection to create climate action series, we have created this series of 5 actionable ways to galvanise your and others climate action. If you’ve ever had a conversation about climate change with another person, it’s highly likely you’ve heard someone say “what’s…