Become a Green Transition Coach

Easily influence and empower every single person you work with

Course Fee


Course Dates

November - December 2024


12 hours of LIVE training, plus 12 hours of self-paced learning

Are you ready for a new set of skills on your CV? Then join us for Green Transition Coach training and learn applied climate change coaching for sustainability professionals

imagine if you could:

  • turn people who are actively resisting change into allies
  • make the climate crisis feel meaningful to colleagues and relevant to their jobs
  • empower teams to identify their role in the organisation’s green transition

In our targeted training programme we will give you the coaching skills to effectively further your sustainability agenda. Think what you could achieve if you had a reliable toolkit to do all this, in every situation, every day.

you can learn that toolkit in just 12 hours…

book your place on the November course

learn proven coaching skills that change behaviour

We will teach you:

Resistance to change

Climate Change Coaching Essentials

  • How coaching enables behaviour change, when ‘telling’ or data doesn’t
  • To identify the psychological roadblocks preventing action
  • To soothe someone’s fear of change and personalise their actions
  • To use an emotional capability technique to create agency
Voicing bold ambition

Make Climate Relevant

  • How to boost motivation to drive action
  • How to make climate and the green transition seem relevant to someone’s existing talents and interests
  • 3 ways to inspire others with your own story
  • How to craft your own compelling narrative to bring sustainability to life
Developing team resilience and resourcefulness

Unblock Resistance to Change

  • To identify and work with personal values
  • To bring someone on board with change by identifying their unconscious reasons for resisting it
  • To see resistance as a source of useful ideas and harness them
  • To create common ground and accommodate someone’s beliefs
Icon representing driving change

Shift Limited Mindsets

  • How to shift someone’s mindset
  • To use tools that challenge limited ways of thinking
  • To tackle ‘there’s not enough’ and revive a can-do attitude
  • To understand what scarcity triggers in you, so you can influence better
  • How to stop colluding with unhelpful organisational stories such as ‘not enough people care’
Icon of three people

Convert Bystanders into Change Agents

  • To be able to recognise the disempowerment behind disengagement
  • How to identify and shift someone’s self-doubt
  • To build the self-belief needed for someone to step up
  • To frame and ask challenging questions that activate creativity
Climate anxiety

Turn Overwhelm into Action Plans

  • To recognise when someone is overwhelmed and de-escalate it
  • To clear the ‘noise’ and remove doubt-filled solutions that won’t stick
  • To coach someone to develop a vision, create goals and land these into measurable actions
  • To define the meaningful actions someone can take and create plans

Ready to find out more?

I want to learn these skills

November course dates

  • November 5th - 12-2pm GMT
  • November 12th - 12-2pm GMT
  • November 19th - 12-2pm GMT
  • November 26th - 12-2pm GMT
  • December 3rd - 12-2pm GMT
  • December 10th - 12-2pm GMT
book your place on the November course


The highlight for me was how applicable and practical the tools shared were. The goal of influencing isn’t to convert others to your ideas so much as get people to the same table in order to achieve mutual understanding.

Clover Hogan

Founder & Executive Director, Force of Nature

This is the course for you if…

  • You get positive buy in from decision makers, but then see them getting overwhelmed as they start to get to grips with the complexity of the task
  • You feel frustrated that colleagues are focussed on reporting and meeting targets and are missing opportunities to transform the business
  • You feel shutdown by someone’s outright objection to your ideas, and feel it’s impossible to overcome their resistance
  • You get ground down by people telling you there’s ‘not enough’ (money, people, resources) but don’t know how to shift their mindset to one of possibility
  • Colleagues put you on a pedestal as the poster child for ‘eco action’ and don’t believe in their ability to play a role alongside you
  • People tell you they ‘obviously care about the planet’, but don’t see the relevance of it to them and their jobs
  • You often think that people aren’t telling you what they really think, but don’t know what questions to ask to find that out

The good news is that all you need to significantly change your impact is a proven coaching toolkit that walks you through a process to overcome each one of these problems and others too.

If you experience 3 or more of these problems then this course is for you

book your place on the November course


For me, what was most useful was having a framework for thinking about and responding to resistance to new ideas. Having specific techniques, questions and goals in mind is extremely helpful, and supports me in keeping a sense of perspective.


Independent sustainability advisor


A fabulous and comprehensive course which exceeded my expectations. Lots of food for thought and practical skills to take away and practice.

Philippa Statter

Green Social Prescribing Lead, Natural England


I loved listening to other people’s stories, and felt that I was amongst like-minded people – which isn’t a regular occurrence for me. And I now have people to connect with.


My biggest takeaway is that there are other ways to influence that don’t have to end up in combative conversations.


The combination of online live training alongside the follow up learning hub modules to work through at your own pace, worked really well. A great use of my personal development time, I can definitely recommend!

More than your technical training, you need a behaviour change toolkit too

Most sustainability leaders know that the technical challenge is only one piece of the problem. Studies are now showing that to achieve our ambitious climate targets we must take into account the psychological aspect of change and the emotional impact of working with complexity. Targeted coaching skills can effectively address this gap, helping to fast track you to achieving your climate goals.

All of the leaders we have coached recognise the big role that their soft skills play in galvanising others to change. Yet they also admit that they have never been taught these skills, and so for as often as they get a ‘hit’ they also get a ‘miss’. Coaching has long been a proven approach for changing behaviour, because it offers the person being influenced a sense of agency and choice in the change, which makes it more likely that change will stick.

If you have learned these skills on the job and want a more concrete toolkit for effecting human change, join us for a free introductory session to learn the 5 reasons that people resist change and what you can do about them.

watch our taster session replay download the impact report

How do we know this works? We wrote the book on it

We authored the first book bringing coaching and climate action together, specifically to help professionals like you to create change faster.

During the research we heard time and again how much it mattered to people working in sustainability to not only create change but to build relationships so that you can take people with you in that change, and feel less alone in your work. Coaching is powerful because it builds connection and at the same time has a strong action focus.

Don’t take our word for it! Forty people from across sustainability, environmental professions and coaching wrote case studies for our book, explaining how they already use coaching skills in their work, including the Group Head of Sustainability at Zurich Insurance, the Executive Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change and the Sustainability Lead for IBM France.

Maybe like hundreds of sustainability professionals, you have already read our book and think ‘there’s something in this!’ If so, this is your chance to learn, live, from the team behind the text, in a course that brings all those insights and tools to life.

If you haven’t read it, now’s your chance! Everyone who signs up gets a free copy of our book worth £24.99!

get my free copy of the book

Take the same course as these industry leaders

This is your chance to benefit from the research that went into our book and gain the same skills that we teach in organisations with developed sustainability and climate functions, including the organisations below.

We know that your training budget is as precious as your time. We also know that many sustainability professionals work solo or in micro-teams and really value meeting peers from other organisations. That’s why this course isn’t for hundreds of people, but for only as many as will fit on one Zoom screen. We want every participant to not just hear new ideas but truly learn how to use new skills and feel confident to put them to use immediately after each session.

bonus content worth £600 for free

In addition to our 100% live and interactive sessions, you will also receive access to our online learning hub, giving you another two hours of optional self-paced content for each module, completely free of charge.

Why we offer live teaching, not self-paced

You’re busy, your calendar is stacked, we get it. Wouldn’t it be easier to do this on your own, self-paced with a tub of ice cream? We think no (though ice cream is pretty great), and for lots of solid reasons. As a B Corporation we’re all about the impact our training has. We’ve seen how effective it is to train people live, so we agree with the study in Science which found that “52% [of self-paced participants] never even look at the courseware. Moreover, the dropout rate reaches a whopping 96% on average over five years.” That doesn’t sound like having any kind of impact, and is why we insist on teaching you in real-time, so we can really help you understand, not just broadcast to you. Our self-paced learning hub is great for giving you the theory of what we’re teaching you but it can’t replace practice and connection with others. That’s why our self-paced learning sits alongside our live training, not instead of it.

book your place on the November course request an invoice to buy your place

ok, I’m ready, what’s the deal?

We hope that your time with us will prove priceless, in equipping you with skills not just for now and not just for your job, but to use with your friends and family and in your future roles. We also know that the actual price matters too.

Most live coaching skills courses cost thousands of pounds and take months to do. That doesn’t work for most sustainability professionals, where training budgets are reducing and time is tight. We offer our course at the same price as many pre-recorded courses, because we want it to be accessible to all of your team.

Join our course and receive:

  • 12 hours of LIVE training by a duo of qualified coaches who are experienced trainers
  • Access to an additional 12 hours of self-paced learning on our learning hub worth £600
  • A FREE copy of our book worth £24.99
  • The chance to network with sustainability professionals like you

All for £1050+VAT

Give us 2 hours of your time each week for six weeks, and we’ll change the way you approach conversations about the green transition.

book your place on the November course request an invoice to buy your place

Why we built this course

Over the last ten years we have coached sustainability professionals from around the world, who have shared their heart-felt challenges with us and inspired this course. We care deeply about your success, because you are changing all of our systems for the better. We also know that it can feel lonely, exhausting and disempowering, and that not everyone has the time or resources to have a coach. We want to put our skills into your hands so that you can be more effective and less over-stretched, and so that you can even coach yourself when the going gets tough.

We started the Climate Change Coaches because we saw that the climate crisis was also a human behaviour change challenge, and because we know that coaching skills change behaviour. We are a B Corporation, with a firmly impact-first mission to accelerate the green transition by putting coaching skills into the hands of climate leaders. Our co-founders have backgrounds in L&D, sustainability and environmental organisations, and saw how much more effective change initiatives could be when simple coaching skills were woven into them (and how often they failed without them). We are motivated by the same fierce purpose about the climate crisis as you are, and in giving you our skills, we are playing our small part in the big change needed.

Join us!

book your place on the November course watch our taster session replay request an invoice to buy your place

Become able to:

  • get anyone on board whether you hit it off or not
  • turn resistant colleagues into key allies in change
  • make climate relevant whatever someone’s job
  • shift mindsets to uncover hidden resources


What if I want to work in sustainability but haven’t yet made the jump, will this course help me get there?

It’s got to be a resounding yes. Another way of asking that is ‘how can my CV stand out when I’m new to this sector?’ Showing that you understand that influencing a big part of the challenge for sustainability teams will help them see that you are already on their page. Because our course is live, you’ll also have a great opportunity to meet lots of industry insiders, who can share their insights.

I already use coaching skills a bit at work, do I need this?

“In one study, 3,761 executives assessed their own coaching skills, and then their assessments were compared with those of people who worked with them. The results didn’t align well. Twenty-four percent of the executives significantly overestimated their abilities, rating themselves as above average while their colleagues ranked them in the bottom third of the group.” Harvard Business Review

Perhaps you’ve been coached and now use the same kind of questions with colleagues? Or maybe you took a course in workplace coaching? This is a great start! Maybe you’ve also noticed that sometimes those traditional coaching skills don’t work when you’re talking about climate transition? Normal coaching programmes teach you how to work with individuals on their individual problems, but for systems change we need a different coaching approach. We’ve got that, and we can teach you how to do it.

Our course has also been designed to be applied climate change coaching, meaning that we have created coaching tools to solve specific problems that sustainability teams tell us they face. We’ve taken the coaching approaches you may know and have applied them both to internal change and to the systemic nature of the climate crisis.

Will I get a certificate?

Yes, you will receive a PDF certificate to say that you have completed the course and how many hours of training you received.

Will the sessions be recorded, and will I have access to watch them back?

Yes, we record all of our trainings so that we can develop as a team and participants can rewatch the sessions. You will have access to ALL of the recordings until six weeks after the final session.

Do I have to attend every session?

If you want to get the most from the course then obviously we suggest that you come to every session. But life happens, and sometimes you’ll be needed in the day job. We record every session, so on the odd day you can’t make it, you can watch the session back. To get a certificate we ask you to fill out a simple form for any missed sessions, so that we know you took the main lessons from the module.

What if I buy a place and my schedule changes, can I get a refund?

Life happens, and sometimes you have to pull out of things even though you want to do them. In those cases, if you give us 30 days’ notice of the first session, we will give you a full refund. Should you cancel your place with less than 30 days and more than 14 days notice of the first session, we will give you a 50% refund. For cancellations less than 14 days before the first session we can’t refund you. You are however welcome to gift your place to a colleague at no cost. We’re not an airline: we’ll happily let you change the name of the person travelling with us 😉

Watch our FREE, 45-minute taster session

the 5 psychological roadblocks to change and what to do about them

watch our taster session replay

ready to secure your place?

buy your place for November